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Boy Friend | How to Be a Better Boyfriend

Maintaining a healthy relationship takes patience and effort, especially as the "honeymoon phase" starts to wear off. If you are worried that your boyfriend abilities have been slacking lately, or if you simply want to learn how to be an even better boyfriend, this article will point you in the right direction!


Be honest. If something is bothering you about the relationship, then let your partner know. Be sure to do this gently so that they don't feel like you're criticizing them.[1] If you need or want something, don't be afraid to tell them that! If something is bothering outside of the relationship and you need to be alone for a little while, or you need to vent, you should let them know!

In return, ask them if there is anything that they wish you would do that you haven't been doing. This will keep both parties happy.

Let them know if you are in a bad mood and need to be alone. For example, if you are annoyed because you had a bad day at work, then tell them that rather than taking out your frustration on them. This will prevent them from thinking you are mad at them or have lost interest in the relationship.

Maintaining a healthy relationship takes patience and effort, especially as the "honeymoon phase" starts to wear off. If you are worried that your boyfriend abilities have been slacking lately, or if you simply want to learn how to be an even better boyfriend, this article will point you in the right direction

Be honest. If something is bothering you about the relationship, then let your partner know. Be sure to do this gently so that they don't feel like you're criticizing them.[1] If you need or want something, don't be afraid to tell them that! If something is bothering outside of the relationship and you need to be alone for a little while, or you need to vent, you should let them know

In return, ask them if there is anything that they wish you would do that you haven't been doing. This will keep both parties happy

Let them know if you are in a bad mood and need to be alone. For example, if you are annoyed because you had a bad day at work, then tell them that rather than taking out your frustration on them. This will prevent them from thinking you are mad at them or have lost interest in the relationship

Step 2 Don't cheat on your partner

Don't cheat on your partner. Even if they find out and forgive you, it will be much harder for them to trust you in the future, which will undoubtedly lead to trouble down the road. Remember why you decided to be with them in the first place, and resist the temptation to chase after others

If you find yourself constantly tempted to cheat, then you might want to reevaluate your relationship. Everybody's mind wanders every now and then, but constantly lusting after other people is a sign that something is wrong. Figure out whether you are really ready for a monogamous relationship with this person

If you do cheat, then tell your partner. For some people, the lying aspect is even worse than the cheating aspect. Find the right time and place to let them know gently, and apologize for your mistake.[2] While this may be difficult, covering up an infidelity will undoubtedly drive a wedge in your relationship, especially if they find out from somebody else down the road

 Don't do or say things to your partner just to make them happy if you don't mean them. This may please them temporarily, but it will ultimately cause trouble in the relationship because you are not being totally honest.

  • Don't make promises that you can't keep. Give the relationship time to grow, and only make commitments that you feel comfortable with. If you think it's too soon for them to meet your family, then don't invite them over for Thanksgiving dinner. While relationships require a healthy balance, constantly compromising your own happiness for theirs 

only lead you to resent them in the future.

 Don't be afraid of letting your partner know how wonderful you think they are! This will make them feel special and loved.
  • Be sweet, but don't smother. Try to compliment your partner and give them the attention they deserve without get


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